What we offer
Document Management Consulting
- Documentary Management Programs – DMP
- Documentary Valuation Tables – DVT
- Documentary Retention Tables – DRT
- Documentary Classification Chart
Internal Archive Regulations
We elaborate and apply the different archival instruments that allow to evaluate the current situation of your documentation, to know the documentary production and to apply controls under technical criteria, providing organizations with a complete vision, which contributes in the planning stage of decision making from a strategic level up to an operative level. This is done to establish good practices in the administration of information and to generate cost efficiency within these processes.
Process Consulting
- Processes Creation
- Process Improvement
We provide consulting services through the improvement and optimization of processes by applying LEAN methodologies and tools that facilitate analysis for decision making. These processes favor the implementation of comprehensive solutions with the support of technological platforms, which help to improve business processes within your organization in the most efficient way while providing a customized service as per the characteristics of each organization.
"We are specialists in the technical handling of information"

The THOMAS MTI team enjoys and works along the lines of corporate principles, providing our customers with a service that suits their needs:
In THOMAS MTI we carry out properly documented process creations with methodologies that allow us to know the information generators, uses, final destination supported by the value chain in order to prepare Documentary Retention Tables (DRT) and Documentary Valuation Tables (DVT) and determine the preservation of the information over time, whether it’s physical or digital, duly supported by the AGN and the production entity standards.
The effectiveness of the implementation of technologies and solutions of document management is given in clean processes, properly purified where the expected efficiencies are achieved. THOMAS MTI carries out this process of process improvement, applying LEAN methodologies that allow the expected objectives to be achieved
We have a team of professionals specialized in the elaboration and application of Documentary Retention Tables (DRT), elaboration and application of Documentary Valuation Tables (DVT), administration of processes based on documents and Documentary Administration Centers (DAC). All these processes leveraged by technological solutions allow you to carry the traceability and control of information.